- Inky box lite how to#
- Inky box lite install#
If you search for a page and an exact match is not found, you will be shown the closest options and asked if you rather create a page to match your search exactly. Search has been implemented as the main means of new page creation and page location. Out of the box Inky has an about page and a home/main page describing the wiki and its origins/use.
Just shoot me a message through GitHub, or create an issue and I will solve it to the best of my ability.
If not, do not fear: I am happy to answer any questions. It is a pretty easy config if you are used to editing virtual host configuration files.
Inky box lite how to#
Instructions can be found around the interwebs (as well as Bottle's documentation) on how to use Bottle with Apache. The live site for inky wiki was deployed on an AWS server running Apache2. For any kind of large scale server deployment you will want to read the deployment section of Bottle's documentation (which covers a number of server infrastructures/technologies). this results in performance issues that I believe to be related to the server that bottle builds by default. I have played around with running the bottle server on my local machine with my IP rather than localhost, so that friends on my network could check things out. You can set it up to run on a different port if you'd like. Once downloaded, simply run Inky.py from the directory hosting all of the program files and direct your browser to port 8080 of localhost. I have used the pip method during development. Bottle can be acquired through pip or through the developer site as a downloadable python file. Make sure you have the requirements downloaded.
Inky box lite install#
To install a local instance of Inky simply copy or clone the repository to a folder on your drive.
A place to deploy (locally via localhost or on a server via a number of WSGI compliant server backends). Python 2.x (originally built with 2.7.12). I am targeting the PirateBox/LibraryBox community as a possible use case for this, as I have enjoyed MonkeyWiki on my PirateBox quite a bit, but thought it would be fun to expand on the concept. Why another Python wiki (or another wiki at all)? For the fun of it! Also, to improve upon features I found lacking in other lightweight Python wikis. It can be left unpainted as a decorative feature.ĭesigned & Manufactured in our own workshops here in the UK by Inkylicious.Inky is a Python based wiki utilizing the Bottle micro-framework. Our MDF is precision cut on a laser machine and as a result there is sometimes a darker residue on the cut edges, this does not affect the quality of the product in any way. MDF Supplied ready to assemble, unfinished ready to decorate. NOT FOR USE WITH NAKED FLAME PRODUCTS (ie: real candles). Try your light arrangement with blue tack first then when you are happy with the placement use a glue gun or similar strong hold glue to keep them in place. Battery lights can be purchased at many pound shops for £1 and come in various styles and colours or you can use battery operated tea lights. *Note* Not included but will require PVA glue for assembly and battery operated lights. Kit Contains: Self Assembly MDF Box, Vellum sheet for behind image window and assembly instructions.įinished Size: 20cm High x 15cm wide x 4.75cm deep. Vellum can be coloured from behind using regular inks, alcohol pens, chalks or pastels. Easy to assemble (instructions provided) simply paint and decorate in whatever style you like - glitter & sparkle, vintage & distressed, plain & simple, the choice is yours. Create a magical Box Light with one of our fabulous MDF Box Light kits.